I have loved writing ever since my childhood. At school I remember 'compositions' the teacher would set with a fixed number of words, say 300.
I would keep a running total in pencil alongside the essay. As it approached the 250 mark I would start to round it off - no point in doing too much!
280, 281. They need to be heading for home. 290, 291, Tea is on the table. 298, another adjective and we're nearly there. 299, 300. Pen down.
Now it's more fun to write, to use this fascinating language of ours, without having to count, just enjoy.
My latest book, A Mere Mortal is all about ME. And why not, after all it's the subject I know most about. It recollects a time when flies used to circle around the big light and took forever to catch, not like these bluebottles we get nowadays, wave your arms about in the general direction of the door and they are off. It tells of my adventures at school in Gloucestershire, my career choices, and my loves and my encounters with the famous and the infamous.195 in pencil, rub it out later 201.